Eğitimin Ücreti: Danışmanınız
Eğitimin Süresi: 50 saat (5 Gün)
Eğitim Günleri: Danışmanınız
Eğitim Saatleri: 09.00 – 17.00
Başlangıç Tarihi: Danışmanınız
Eğitim Yeri: İLTEM Mühendislik Eğitim ve Danışmanlık Salonu
Not 1: Kursu başarıyla tamamlayanlara katılım belgesi verilir. Kontenjan max. 15 kişi ile sınırlıdır.
Not 2: İLTEM Mühendislik Eğitim Danışmanlık LTD. ŞTİ. olarak, planlanan eğitimlere yeterli katılım sağlanamaması koşulunda, eğitimleri erteleme ya da iptal etme hakkını saklı tutmaktadır.
Genel Bilgi: Analiz ve simülasyonlarınızı gerçekleştirmek ve öz yeteneklerinizi geliştirme konularında katılımcılara katkı sağlanması hedeflenmektedir.
Eğitim Programının İçeriği
1.1 ANSYS Workbench Overview
1.2 Basic Analysis Procedure
1.3 Ansys Mechanical Interface
1.4 Toolbars
1.5 Outline Tree and Details
1.6 Graphic Window
1.7 Scopic Loads and Supports
1.8 Ansys Mechanical User Interface
1.9 Engineering Data
1.10 Assigning Material Properties
1.11 Workshop 1 -
2.1 Geometry
2.2 Contact
2.3 Coordinate System
2.4 Named Selection
2.5 Object Generator
2.6 Workshop 2.1 Gear Analysis
2.7 Workshop 2.2 Named Selection
2.8 Workshop 2.3 Object Generator 1
2.9 Workshop 2.3 Object Generator 2 -
Structural Analysis
3.1 Basics of Linear Structural Analysis
3.2 Geometry
3.3 Material Properties
3.4 Contact
3.5 Analysis Settings
3.6 Loads
3.7 Supports
3.8 Loads and Support Display
3.9 Contact versus Supports
3.10 Solution
3.11 Results
3.12 Linear versus Nonlinear Solution
3.13 Workshop 3.1 Pump Assembly with Contact
3.14 Workshop 3.2 Beam Connections -
4.1 Section Planes
4.2 Probe Tools
4.3 Charts
4.4 Scoping Results
4.5 Coordinate Systems
4.6 Linearized Stress
4.7 Error Estimation
4.8 Convergence
4.9 Stress Singularities
4.10 Convergence and Scoping
4.11 CAD Import
4.12 Defining Parameters in Workbench
4.13 Using Parameters in Workspace
4.14 Updating CAD Parameters
4.15 Workshop 4.1 Processing Results
4.16 Workshop 4.2 Parameter Management -
Mesh Control
5.1 Meshing in Mechanical
5.2 Global Mesh Control
5.3 Local Mesh Control
5.4 Troubleshooting
5.5 Virtual Topology
5.6 Direct Modeling
5.7 Mesh Quality Criteria
5.8 Workshop 5.1 Mesh Creation
5.9 Workshop 5.2 Mesh Control -
Connections & RBC
6.1 Contact
6.2 Contact Controls
6.3 Spot Welds
6.4 Mesh Connections
6.5 Connection Worksheets
6.6 Joints
6.7 Springs and Beams
6.8 Remote Boundary Conditions
6.9 Remote Points
6.10 Behaviour Control
6.11 Pinball Control
6.12 Remote Point Sharing
6.13 Display Options
6.14 Workshop 6.1 Contact Offset Control
6.15 Workshop 6.2 Joints
6.16 Workshop 6.3 Remote Boundary Conditions -
Modal, Thermal & Multistep
7.1 Modal Analysis
7.2 Modal Theory and Assumption
7.3 Model Geometry and Material Properties
7.4 Modal Contact
7.5 Modal Solution
7.6 Modal Results
7.7 Modal Analysis with Prestress
7.8 Steady State Thermal Analysis
7.9 Thermal Geometry and Material Properties
7.10 Thermal Contact
7.11 Thermal Boundary Conditions
7.12 Thermal Results
7.13 Multistep Analysis
7.14 Multistep Setup
7.15 Multistep Controls
7.16 Multistep Loads
7.17 Multistep Postprocessing
7.18 Solution Combinations
7.19 Workshop 7.1 Modal Analysis of a Machine Frame
7.20 Workshop 7.2 Thermal Analysis of a Pump Housing
7.21 Workshop 7.3 Multistep Analysis -
Connections & RBC (Eigenvalue Buckling)
8.1 Eigenvalue Buckling Overview
8.2 Eigenvalue Buckling Geometry and Material Properties
8.3 Eigenvalue Buckling Contact
8.4 Eigenvalue Buckling Loads and Supports
8.5 Eigenvalue Buckling Solution
8.6 Eigenvalue Buckling Results
8.7 Submodeling Overview
8.8 Submodeling Analysis Procedure
8.9 Workshop 8.1 Eigenvalue Buckling
8.10 Workshop 8.2 Submodeling
Introduction to Design Modeler İçeriği (Bölüm – 2)
Core Skills Introduction to ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler
1.1 What is SpaceClaim Direct Modeler
1.2 Launching SpaceClaim Direct Modeler
1.3 Interface
1.4 File Operations
1.5 Working with Assemblies
1.6 Shared Topology
1.7 Working with Layers
1.8 Display and Managing Views
1.9 SpaceClaim Main Tools -
Creating Geometry
2.1 Modeling in SpaceClaim Direct Modeler
2.2 Sketching Tools
2.3 3D Modeling Tools
2.4 Detailing -
Repairing Geometry
3.1 Importing Geometry in SpaceClaim Direct Modeler
3.2 Need for Repair
3.3 Common Issues Found in Geometry
3.4 Fix Issues One by One vs. All at Once
3.5 Specialized Tools for Repair
3.6 Handling STL Geometry -
FEA Modeling
4.1 Spot Weld
4.2 Weld
4.3 Imprint
4.4 Midsurfacing
4.5 Beam Extraction -
Beam and Shell Modeling
5.1 Line Bodies
5.1.1 Lines from Points
5.1.2 Lines from Sketches
5.1.3 Lines from Edges
5.2 Surface Bodies
5.2.1 Surfaces from Line Bodies
5.2.2 Surfaces from Sketches
5.2.3 Surfaces from 3D Edges
5.2.4 Mid-Surface
5.2.5 Joint -
Modeling for CFD
6.1 Volume Extraction
6.2 Enclosure
6.3 Midsurface
6.4 Extend -
SpaceClaim to Workbench
7.1 Material Assignment
7.2 Named Selection and Parameters
7.3 Transferring SpaceClaim Model to Workbench